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Command Line reference

Usage of db1000n:
  -b string
      raw backup config in case the primary one is unavailable
  -c string
      path to config files, separated by a comma, each path can be a web endpoint (default "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/db1000n-coordinators/LoadTestConfig/main/config.v0.7.json")
  -country-list string
      comma-separated list of countries (default "Ukraine")
      enable debug level logging
      set to true if you want to run primitive jobs that are less resource-efficient (default true)
      Enable the application automatic updates on the startup
  -format string
      config format (default "yaml")
  -h  print help message and exit
  -pprof string
      enable pprof
  -prometheus_gateways string
      Comma separated list of prometheus push gateways (default ",,")
      Start metrics exporting via HTTP and pushing to gateways (specified via <prometheus_gateways>) (default true)
  -proxy string
      system proxy to set by default (can be a comma-separated list or a template)
  -refresh-interval duration
      refresh timeout for updating the config (default 1m0s)
      Allows application to restart upon successful update (ignored if auto-update is disabled) (default true)
  -scale int
      used to scale the amount of jobs being launched, effect is similar to launching multiple instances at once (default 1)
  -self-update-check-frequency duration
      How often to run auto-update checks (default 24h0m0s)
      set to true if you want to only run plaintext jobs from the config for security considerations
      Allows to skip the update check at the startup (usually set automatically by the previous version)
      enable strict country check; will also exit if IP can't be determined
  -updater-destination-config string
      Destination config file to write (only applies if updater-mode is enabled (default "config/config.json")
      Only run config updater

Almost all of these parameters can also be set via environment variables

Config file reference

This doc gets outdated frequently as the project is under active development but you can always check up to date configuration examples in examples/config folder

The config is expected to be in json format and has following configuration values:

  • jobs - [array] array of attack job definitions to run, should be defined inside the root object
  • jobs[*] - [object] single job definition as json object
  • jobs[*].type - [string] type of the job (determines which attack function to launch). Can be http, tcp, udp, syn-flood, or packetgen
  • jobs[*].count - [number] the amount of instances of the job to be launched, automatically set to 1 if no or invalid value is specified
  • jobs[*].args - [object] arguments to pass to the job. Depends on jobs[*].type

http args:

  • request - [object] defines requests to be sent
  • request.method - [string] http method to use (passed directly to go http.NewRequest)
  • request.path - [string] url path to use (passed directly to go http.NewRequest)
  • request.body - [object] http payload to use (passed directly to go http.NewRequest)
  • request.headers - [object] key-value map of http headers
  • request.cookies - [object] key-value map of http cookies (you can still set cookies directly via the header with cookie_string template function or statically, see examples/config/advanced/ddos-guard.yaml for an example)
  • client - [object] http client config for the job
  • client.tls_config - [object] tls config for transport (InsecureSkipVerify is true by default)
  • client.proxy_urls - [array] comma-separated list of string urls for proxies to use (chosen randomly for each request)
  • client.timeout - [time.Duration]
  • client.max_idle_connections - [number]

tcp args:

  • proxy_urls - [string] comma-separated list of http/socks5 proxies to use (chosen randomly for each job)
  • timeout - [duration] timeout for connecting to the proxy

tcp and udp shared args:

  • address - [string] network host to connect to, can be either hostname:port or ip:port
  • body - [object] json data to be repeatedly sent over the network

Warning: packetgen requires root privileges to run

packetgen args:

  • connection - [object] raw ip connection parameters
  • connection.name - [string] name of the network to use. can be ip4:tcp, ip6:tcp, ip4:udp, ip6:udp, or anything else supported by the go runtime
  • connection.address - [string] address of the interface used to send packets (on the attacking machine)
  • packet - [object] packet configuration parameters. see examples/config/advanced/packetgen-* for usage examples as there are just too many params to put them here. I'll only describe the general structure of the packet
  • packet.link - [layer] tcp/ip level 1 (OSI level 2) configuration. currently only supports ethernet serialization but go runtime doesn't have a way to send custom ethernet frames so it's not advised to use it
  • packet.network - [layer] tcp/ip level 2 (OSI level 3) configuration. supports ipv4 and ipv6 protocols. see src/core/packetgen/network.go for all the available options
  • packet.transport - [layer] tcp/ip level 3 (OSI level 4) configuration. supports tcp and udp protocols. see src/core/packetgen/transport.go for all the available options
  • packet.payload - [layer] the data that goes on top of other layers. for now it can be raw for custom crafted payload string (i.e. you can write an http request directly here), dns, and icmpv4, but last two are not fully tested yet

all the jobs have shared args:

  • interval_ms - [number] interval between requests in milliseconds. Defaults to 0 (Care, in case of udp job it might generate the data faster than your OS/network card can process it)
  • count - [number] limit the amount of requests to send with this job invocation. Defaults to 0 (no limit). Note: if config is refreshed before this limit is reached the job will be restarted and the counter will be reset

Almost every leaf [string] or [object] parameter can be templated with go template syntax. I've also added couple helper functions (list will be growing):

  • random_uuid
  • random_int_n"
  • random_int
  • random_payload
  • random_ip
  • random_port
  • random_mac_addr
  • random_user_agent
  • local_ip
  • local_ipv4
  • local_ipv6
  • local_mac_addr
  • resolve_host
  • resolve_host_ipv4
  • resolve_host_ipv6
  • base64_encode
  • base64_decode
  • to_yaml
  • from_yaml
  • from_yaml_array
  • to_json
  • from_json
  • from_json_array
  • from_string_array
  • join
  • split
  • get_url
  • mod
  • ctx_key
  • split
  • cookie_string

Please refer to official go documentation and code in src/utils/templates/ for these for now